- Out-Patient Services

- Work Pass Medical Check-Up

- Vaccinations

- Surgical/Treatments

- Workplace Injury

Operating Hours

Mon to Fri: 7am - 1 pm, 6pm - 10pm

Sat & Sun: 9am - 1pm

Public Holiday: 9am - 1pm (Video Consultation Only)

Contact Information

Address: 6 Tuas South Street 15, #01-103, CDPL (Tuas) Dormitory, S(636906)

Contact: 6970 0747

Email: hello@tuasmedical.com

WP/SP Check-up

Work Permit & S-Pass Check-Ups Available

(New and Renewal)

GP Out-Patient Care

Acute and Chronic conditions


Incision and Drainage of Abscesses, Removal of Lump and Cyst, Nail Avulsions, Removal of Ingrown Toe Nails

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